Saturday, March 27, 2010

Back in the saddle

Hello friends,

So this blog has been pretty sparse over the last few weeks, due to a self-imposed media fast. I'm not going to lie---after the first two weeks the fast started to fall apart. But it was good to get away from the constant plugging into Facebook, email, and the like.

I still don't watch or read the news.

Fun fact: I didn't know the healthcare bill passed until someone told me about it.


I haven't eaten meat since the challenge started and I don't plan on it.

But I have, over the past two weeks, consumed quite a bit of dairy, sugar, alcohol,, the medicinal plants avaialble in California.

And to be honest, I think I'm done with all that.

I felt markedly worse after just a few days of Pizza Hut and doughnuts. Slower, wearker, and plagued with constant heartburn and congestion. And worst of all, my motivation completely disappeared. I honestly couldn't tell you what I did the past week, except for an audition and doing laundry.

So today I went back to the Monastic challenge and I already feel a lot better.

After reading Lisa's blog, I'm tempted to try the Raw Vegan diet. I just need to read up on the finer points of the whole thing.

If anyone has any ideas for a good April challenge, post them up on the Facebook page. Maybe something with volunteer work?