Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What about March?

Okay, computer's on. What now...

Ooh. Email. An email forward, something from the Red Cross, some kind of acting workshop, some audition notices for no-budget student films...

Haven't checked Facebook in a couple of hours. Look, someone "liked" my status update. And some emails on Facebook, too. Better read those. Tiger Woods story? Ooh, I wanted to look up golf courses in LA. It's been a while since I---

I need music. Better open up a window for Pandora.


What the---? Oh, I have a text.


That's every fucking day for me. Just a constant parade of emails, websites, phonecalls, and bullshit.

I seriously feel like I have adult ADD. It's amazing how little I get done in such a long stretch of time.

And does any of this stuff actually improve the quality of my life? Or does it just let me ignore the lacking parts of life?

So, inspired by this technology-inspired ennui, there will be another monastic challenge for March.

The March Monastic Challenge

  • No TV*
  • No movies or DVDs
  • No texting---if someone texts you with a question, you need to call back with your answer. And you should let that person know you're not texting that much.
  • No newspapers, magazines, news sites, blogs, Youtube, Hulu, etc.
  • In fact, no web surfing all. Unless it's to achieve a work-related task you're doing THAT DAY. Which means if you're booking a trip to Vegas, you better have your damn credit card in your hand. And even with work-related stuff, you should be limited to ONE HOUR MAXIMUM on the web. If you can't get it done in a half hour, you probably fucked up somewhere.
  • No video games or bullshit games on your phone
  • Email is permitted TWICE A DAY MAXIMUM.

*---The only acceptable circumstance is if you are auditioning for a show that you haven't seen and need to watch an episode to get the rhythm and style of the show.

I'll post blogs, but I will write them all on Word and post them the following month. I have a feeling this one will be pretty tough. At least as tough as this month's challenge.

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